Tuesday, December 22, 2015

When the Magnet Washer Button Isn't Working, You Can Customize your Google Cardboard D-Scope VR for Galazy Samsung S3 (or any phone that has the magnetometer in a different place)

Why is the magnet washer "button" on our #Cardboard VR viewer not working?
Google Cardboard VR Viewer "D-Scope"
Google Cardboard VR Viewer "D-Scope"

Our first adventure with #VR (virtual reality) and Google #Cardboard was coincidentally on a Galaxy Samsung S3. We have the D-Scope Pro but they are all mostly the same.
So we had some glitches with the washer "button" working and it took us a few minutes to figure out why. 
Was it us? How was it supposed to work? What should be happening, etc.
Turns out, the S3's magnetometer is on the other side of the phone. This makes using the washer button impossible where it is.
Happily, it is an easy fix!
The cardboard player is easily customized. This VR stuff is super fun, there are many free apps and Youtube video out there. 

Here's what we did.

The left side of the viewer has two layers of cardboard on it so it was super easy to take a knife and carefully cut only the top layer between the washer and the tape that is on the viewer to keep the sides folded. Cut the whole way across the top layer of the viewer and cut slowly so that you only cut the top layer. The image with the knife below shows just where to cut. 

We removed the cut piece and placed it on the right side of the viewer and UPSIDE DOWN. If you line up all images as shown, you are on the right track. Glue it firmly to the new side. 

Don't put the washer in place until the glue has dried.

Then carefully pry out the magnet circle from the inside left side.

You next place the washer in the uppermost position that you can in the oval cutout. Uppermost, not the bottom.
Put some glue on the magnet and place it inside next to where the washer is. They will hold each other in place.
Do not glue the washer. 
Do not let the washer get stuck in any glue overflow from when you glued the cardboard in place.

Because the magnet was in a slightly recessed area on the left side, we decided to make a simple brace for it on the new right side placement just so over time it didn't move.

The recess from where the magnet was originally. 
We took some small rectangular cutouts from the leftover Cardboard packaging and made the brace using two identical sized pieces, gluing them together and then gluing them in place. I won't have exact measurements for you because each magnet will end up a fraction of an inch differently here or there. 

Let everything dry, reinforce the left side of your box with some glue or tape and you are good to go.
Instead of pulling the button down to use it, you will slide it up. It's very easy. 
Oh, and don't let two washers touch if you can help it and if you have more than one viewer. The washers are also magnetized and we ruined our manicure getting them apart : )
Old and new together.

You can get your Cardboard VR player here. 

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