Thursday, May 19, 2016

Scanning and Saving Business Cards using Evernote and Even Hooking it up to LinkedIn

Did you know that you can scan and save business cards in Evernote?

If you're a regular Evernote user, this is a great way to save business cards. 
I have a folder in Evernote for each of my clients. I have notes (obviously) for each of those clients in those folders.
And now I also have a photo of their business card in their folder.
PLUS (this makes this all worth it to me) when I scan their business card I have the option to add the information directly to my contacts on my phone.

So this allows me to:

  • Add the contact to my phone list (or Gmail contacts)
  • See their business card without carrying it with me
  • Plus you can also connect it to LinkedIn if you have that app installed on your phone which will pull in a photo and any other details that LinkedIn has.


How do you do this?

Have the Evernote app on your phone. Sign in.
(if you're going to connect it to LinkedIn, make sure your app is downloaded)
Hit the plus sign to make a new note.
Choose the camera icon. 
The camera will size, straighten and read your business card.
It automatically take the photo, too. So have the card on a clean surface, Hold your phone so the edges of your card are visible on your screen. Give your phone a minute to grab the pic.
Double check the info in the fields that will show up.
Click save and choose whether to add it to your contacts. or scan another or done.
I choose save to contacts here. 

*** helpful side note... when you choose to save it, make sure it's saving to your Gmail account if you use a droid. it may default to phone contacts. Phone contacts usually don't sync. I had that problem after getting a new phone.

Click save and the back arrow to get back to Evernote. Then you can scan more or be done.
I also really like having a copy of the image of the card in their folder, just in case any info wasn't transferred correctly.

I do love technology!

Have any questions? Let us know. Follow us on Facebook, too, to get more post and How To Digital updates.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Claiming your Yahoo Business Page with OUT having to pay Yext

The most frequently asked questions from my clients this week are:

Q1. How do I claim my Yahoo Business Listing with OUT having to subscribe to Yext?
and then:
Q2. Can't I just pay you to do this for me?

A1. There is a way to do this and I can show you.
A2. Lol, yes you can.

1. Go to
2. MAKE SURE you click on the word local.
3. Search for your business.
4. When you click on the main heading when you're in LOCAL, it opens up information on the right including reviews, directions, a link to your site and if you scroll down you see an option to verify your listing. You want that.

This bring you to Yext. There is much marketing hoopla and information about all of the places that you're failing and data that supports that you should pay them for stuff. 
Don't Pay Them.
From here you just go through the process of filling in your information (you don't need the report sent to you) as though you were moving forward with a paid account.
When you get to the last page where they show you the payment plans.... squint your eyes a bit and look towards the bottom and you'll see a place to click where you can claim your Yahoo listing for free.

You can then verify your ownership by having them email you and clicking on the verification email. 

Ta-da! You have claimed your Yahoo listing for free.

Have any questions? Please feel free to contact us. Please also "like" our Facebook page to keep updated on our posts.
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