Friday, November 13, 2015

Getting Google Analytics Code for Your Website to Track Your Site Traffic

Every person should be tracking information for their site. Do not rely on a vendor or your "web guy". If your relationship changes with either of them, you may lose access to your own site history. At some point, you will wish you had it.
Even if you don't think you will use this information for months.... just get it set up so that your history starts building.

First things first. Make sure you have an Anayltics account. If not, sign up and get one under your everyday Google account information. 

Next sign in to Analytics and click on Admin at the top.
Click the drop down arrow next to Accounts. Choose the bottom option "Create new account"

Choose website, name your account (business name is best here) add your website name (some businesses have multiple sites, so you can distinguish various sites here), copy/paste your URL, choose your industry and time zone.

Image from Google Support 

Click on the get tracking ID button. Copy/paste the entire square that they give you and now you have three choices.
1. Send this code to your website developer or handler and have them add this to every page of your site. If you have a "web guy", they will know how to do this.
2. If you handle your own site, go to edit mode for your website and choose the option to add HTML. Paste the code into the HTML box and save it. Make sure it's on all of your pages. 
3. If you don't have a "web guy" and you can't figure it out on your own, you will need to "call a techy friend" or contact support for where ever your site is being hosted. Each site is so different that I can't give you one simple answer here. 

If you have used choices one or two, you are done. 
Over the next few days, your Google Analytics will start populating information.
We'll review what to look for in future posts.

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